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polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren is published twice a year, mainly in German, and is blind peer-reviewed. The journal is published in print and online every year and a half as an open-access journal on this website.


1. Extent of texts

Articles up to 40,000 characters;
Reviews 5,000-8,000 characters;
Book tips up to 2,500 characters.

2. Notes and citation rules

Notes and references are provided in footnotes.
A bibliography is therefore always created and referred to in the footnotes with a short form.

Citation samples:
A. Entry in the bibliography (in alphabetical order)
B. in the footnotes

A. Kimmerle, Heinz: Interkulturelle Philosophie zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius, 2002.
B. Kimmerle: Einführung, 55.

Articles in edited volumes
A. Tjitra, Hora; Thomas, Alexander: „Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Synergieentwicklung.” In: Interkulturell denken und handeln. Theoretische Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Praxis, hg. v. Hans Nicklas, Burkhard Müller und Hagen Kordes. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2006, 249–257.
B. Tjitra/Thomas: Interkulturelle Kompetenz, 255.

Articles in periodicals
A. Graneß, Anke: „Is the debate on ,Global Justice‘ a global one? Some considerations in view of modern philosophy in Africa.” In: Journal of Global Ethics 11/1/2015, 126–140.
B. Graneß: Global Justice, 133.

Essays in essay collections (same author)
A. Wimmer, Franz M.: Globalität und Philosophie. Studien zur Interkulturalität. Wien: Turia+Kant, 2003.
B. Wimmer, Franz M.: „Die Idee der Menschenrechte in interkultureller Sicht.” In: ders.: Globalität und Philosophie, 40–63, hier 41f.

Lexicon article
[see essay in anthology or essay in collection of essays (same author)]

A. Diaconu, Mădălina: Reader zur Transkulturalität, Transnationalität und Migration. Rezension von Langenohl, Poole, Weinberg (Hg.), Transkulturalität. Klassische Texte. In: polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren 34/2015, 123–127.
B. Diaconu: Reader, 23.

Online sources
A. Kresse, Kai: Zur Sprache bringen. Dekolonialisierung, Mehrsprachigkeit und afrikanische Sprachen im Entstehungsprozess afrikanischer Philosophie. Kwasi Wiredu im Gespräch mit Kai Kresse, 2000. them.polylog.org/2/dwk-de.htm [28.01.2018].
B. Kresse: Zur Sprache bringen, online.

Personal communications
B. Martin Ross, E-Mail to the Author, 01.08.2017.
The translator is always cited in the bibliography:
A. Sontag, Susan: Kunst und Antikkunst. 24 literarische Analysen (Übers. Mark W. Rien). München: Hanser, 1980.
Classics of - especially European - philosophy are preferably cited according to the respective canonical complete editions. It is also possible to cite according to current individual editions if the respective edition is generally easily accessible.


3. Text file

We need the text in a common electronic form.
Please include your name and full title in the file, as well as brief personal information (a line such as "XY is Z and teaches at University A, Institute B", "author line") of the author.

In the case of a review, please include all details of the text under review as well as a citation (in the original language)! In the case of a book tip, the citation may be omitted.

4. Abstract, Keywords

Please include an abstract (max. 150 words) and (max. 6) keywords in English. We also ask you to add summaries and keywords in German, Spanish and French if possible.

5. Transcription/Transliteration

For quotations from other languages, use a current scientific transcription/transliteration: no simplifications!

6. Emphasis 

within the text in italics (and not e.g. bold). If possible, please do not use any formatting (paragraph formats, etc.).

7. Gendering

We request a gender-sensitive text design.


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