polylog 51
Sommer 2024
Lara Hofner: Editorial
Hg. Mădălina Diaconu, Zhuofei Wang
Mădălina Diaconu
Atmosphären: Merkmale, Herausforderungen, Implikationen PDF / HTML
Einleitung Teil I
Zhuofei Wang
Polylog, Interkulturelle Ästhetik & Atmosphären PDF / HTML
Einleitung Teil II
Jürgen Hasse
Atmosphäre – in europäischer Sicht
The article traces the concept of atmospheres from scientific (here climatological) and mythological fields of meaning. The atmosphere is similar to the aura. While the former is generally felt on a small scale in space, aura, nimbus and charisma are more micro-locally embedded and not macro-spatially spread out on a larger scale. The one and the other become more perceptible in the form of cloudy emissions than »readable« in a semiotic sense. An excursus on the meaning of atmospheres in China and Japan points to ephemeral emanations that touch a limit of what can be communicated by means of literal speech. Using two examples (culinary as situation and cemetery as space), the functions and implicit programmes that feelings can have in space are concretised. Atmospheres as well as atmospheric phenomena prove to be essential media of non-verbal communication. In the social, political and economic world, they »perform« what would often be ineffable for ethical reasons.
Kantaro Ohashi
Das Konzept der Atmosphäre in Japan: Eine kulturhistorische Perspektive
The Japanese concept of »atmosphere« is expressed in various forms such as »Ki«, »Iki«, or »Ke«. This paper aims at elucidating its conceptual importance in the Japanese thoughts culture, by following the chronical transition of their usages. The oldest examples are already found in Kojiki, one of the most ancient Japanese literary works. It is in the Edo period that Japanese scholars interpret its new philosophical connotation under the influence of Neo-Confucianism. After the modernization of the Meiji Restoration, philosophers of the Kyoto School, especially Kitaro Nishida and Tetsuro Watsuji, posit the notion of atmosphere as one of the psychological characteristics of Japanese people. As for the contemporary situation, the cultural critic Shichihei Yamamoto indicates the specificity of Japanese national mentality deeply associated with the atmospheric quality in the 1970s, while several sub-cultural producers take the pollution of the atmosphere as their main issues under the ecological movements after the 1980s.
Srisrividhiya Kalyanasundaram & Sandhiya Kalyanasundaram
Elemental Play (Līla). Atmospherics of Perception through consciousness, emotions, senses and the body
This paper presents an innovative aesthetic-ecological-consciousness model rooted in Indian traditional knowledge systems, particularly the Pañcamahābhūta (five elements). It aims to construct a novel framework for understanding the atmosphere, encompassing both theory and practice. It expands the notion of the ‘body’ as an interaction of elemental materialities and interprets atmosphere as a complex interplay of aesthetic emotions. Through the concept of rasa (the juice of aesthetic experience), it explores deep states of aesthetic experience, offering insights into imagination, creativity, and intuition for artists and aesthetes alike. Drawing from ancient Hindu thought, by examining oneness, duality, and multiplicity of consciousness states, it uncovers the potential for emerging multimodal atmospheric experiences, with implications for contemporary artistic practice and living.
Paulo Gajanigo
Relevance of the public atmosphere concept based on study of the redemocratisation period in Brazil
This article presents a proposal to work on a concept of public atmosphere in light of recent contributions to the concepts of atmosphere, Stimmung, mood and structure of feelings. Aspects of the concept relevant to study of the public sphere are presented in dialogue with criticism of the Habermasian concept of the public bourgeois sphere, particularly its focus on discourse and rationality. Throughout the article, there is analysis of the process of transition from military dictatorship in Brazil (1974–1985) to the establishment of a »climate of openness« to deal with the operational concept of public atmosphere and the affective dynamics of attunement and misattunement in the public sphere.
Mounira ben Mustapha Hachana
Ästhetik der Atmosphären – ein im arabischen Kontext erst zu bildendes Konzept
This article aims to identify the linguistic, philosophical and historical anchoring of the aesthetics of atmospheres or moods in the Arabic tradition and to make its reception fruitful for the present. In fact, the evolution of the concept »atmosphere« – in its relation to aesthetics – was not the same in the Western and Arab contexts.
Several contemporary Arab studies (especially in French and English) show a partial use of the concept, especially in design and architecture studies. However, as these studies are mostly written in French and English, the concept of atmosphere remains without philosophical relevance for Arabic terminology; thus, the words for »atmosphere« ǧaww جوّ (in the singular) and aǧwāʾ أجواء (plural) remain limited daily use without being utilised as a philosophical paradigm in contemporary Arabic philosophy. Currently these terms are often used in everyday life for the political, artistic, poetic or spiritual atmosphere. The main question is therefore: Why does the reception of this paradigm suffer from incredible slowness. What is the difference between this Arab tradition and the Occidental tradition?
Josef Estermann
Die Barbarei des Fortschritts. Epistemische Gewalt und Epistemizid gegen indigene Kosmospiritualitäten
In this paper, the author subjects the narrative of »interculturality« to a critique from an intercultural perspective, invoking the critical potential of intercultural philosophy in contrast to a culturalist »interculturality« light. The background of this analysis is the epistemic violence exercised by the West in the fields of knowledge, science, and education. This violence is particularly noticeable in the case of philosophy, leading to a sort of »philosophical homicide« (philosophicide) with respect to indigenous philosophies such as the Andean one in the case of Abya Yala. The paper concludes with some guidelines for the challenges that a critical intercultural philosophy must face in the XXI century.
Hans Schelkshorn
Befreiung und Interkulturalität. Enrique Dussel (1934–2023) – ein Nachruf
Franziska Dübgen, Kai Kresse und Stefan Skupien
Afrikanische Philosophie als kritische Praxis: Paulin J. Hountondji (1942–2024) – ein Nachruf
Erklärung von Barletta zu Interkulturalität und Philosophie
polytop - Stimmen, Blicke, Netzwerke
Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, Kunst und Kultur. Zu: Zhuofei Wang: Atmosphären-Ästhetik. Die Verflochtenheit von Natur, Kunst und Kultur (2024). S. 113-15.
Der ›geschichtslose Kontinent‹ und seine Philosophie. Zu: Anke Graneß: Philosophie in Afrika. Herausforderungen einer globalen Philosophiegeschichte (2023). S. 115-17.
Reconsidering the Life of Power. Zu: James Garrison: Reconsidering the Life of Power. Ritual, Body, and Art in Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy. S. 117-19.
Naturschau ist Selbstschau ‒ über Watsuji und die Natur. Zu David Johnson: Watsuji on Nature. Japanese Philosophy in the Wake of Heidegger (2019). S. 119-23.
Politische Philosophie in interkultureller Perspektive. Zu: Boteva-Richter, Bianca; Sarhan Dhouib; James Garrison (eds.) (2021): Political Philosophy from an Intercultural Perspective. Power Relations in a Global World. S. 123-26.
Globale Philosophie: afrikanische Denker im Dialog mit Kant und Foucault. Zu Marita Rainsborough: Interkulturelles Philosophieren. Kant und Foucault in der afrikanischen Gegenwartsphilosophie (2022). S. 126-28.
Eine japanische Phänomenologie der Atmosphäre. Zu: Tadashi Ogawa: Phenomenology of Wind and Atmosphere (2021). S. 128-30.