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polylog 4


Frau und Kultur
Kolonisierung von Differenz

Herausgeberin des Thementeils: Nausikaa Schirilla

Einleitung / Editorial: HTML / PDF


Rosi Braidotti

Politik der Vielfalt.

Strategien für die Zukunft

Rosi BRAIDOTTI analyses intersections between feminist deconstruction and black studies or postcolonial theory. Both approaches theorize power formations and point at how differences are hierarchically constructed. Thus Braidotti speaks of the colonization of difference. On the background of relevant developments in
black studies Braidotti argues for the need to develop a new form of moral reasoning, thinking new affirmative values and a new universals in feminist theory. She pleads for a politics of diversity avoiding the pitfalls of relativism and ofessentalism.

Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez 

Fallstricke des Feminismus.

Das Denken »kritischer Differenzen« ohne geopolitische Kontextualisierung. Einige Überlegungen zur Rezeption antirassistischer und postkolonialer Kritik 

Auch Online im Internet-Forum "polylog"

Although recent feminist thought developed theoretical possibilities for analyzing questions of racialist and colonialist exclusion they did not integrale these questions into
the theoretical approach. Feminist conceptions of subjectivity, construction and difference are open to be analyzed according to inherent patterns of exclusion and diversity on the bases of race and ethinicity. But these approaches are marginalised. This is due to the geopolitical context of knowledge production. Thus gender cannot be conceived without a geographical political dimension.

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Frau in Differenz

By interpreting a story of the Bengali writer Mahasveta Devi Spivak presents subaltern gendered subjectivity without presenting the wonen as free acting subjects. Spivak shows how the women presented are positioned in hierarchical Systems of global capital, cololonialist legacies and post-independent nationalist politics. Subaltern women are presented as women (the female body as the last instance - elsewhere) without essentializing the category woman and they are presented in difference without the category of difference.

Ursula Baatz

Sex, Gender und Buddhismus

Gedanken über Judith Butler, Rita Gross und den westlichen Buddhismus

Buddhism comes from a patriarchal culture to the West, at a moment, when the underlying patterns of Western culture are disputed or even changing. Buddhism in the West has been seen mainly as an epistemological tool for formulating a new Weltanschauung feasible to modern science. The misogynist structures of traditional Buddhist milieus came just recently into the focus of feminist critique.
Since Rita GROSS' BUDDHISM AFTER PATRIARCHY (1993) several attempts have been made to formulate a new feminist version of Buddhism, but mostly on an institutional level. The antiessentialistic ontology of the feminist philosopher Judith BUTLER seems to formulate severai tenets missing in a feminist Buddhist approach, although the goals of a Buddhist feminism might be still soteriological, whereas Judith BUTLER argues in favour of new politics.

Nkiru Nzegwu


Die Auslöschung der Geschlechter (gender) in der afrikanischen Kunstgeschichte.

Nkiru Nzegwu analyzes the making of an exhibition on Nigerian Art in the USA as an example of the working of racialist and sexist patterns. These are practises of domination and exclusion reproducing colonial and imperialist Images and interests. They influence the representation of African women which are moulded according to western needs. Emancipation of women is represented in a western standardized normative form. Nzegwu pleads for the development of a new epistemology aiming at dominant logic and imperial narratives in any kind of discourse.


Vinda Ekwueme & Emma Ferreira Prado & Newal Gültekin & Ida Kurth

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Heinz Kimmerle

Afrika – das Spiegelbild Europas?

Von Sartres dialektischer Philosophie der Dekolonisierung zu den Ausgangspunkten interkulturell philosophischer Dialoge

Rafael Angel Herra

Globalisierung und nicht-prädikative Ethik



Christina Lutter

Kulturwissenschaften/Cultural Studies - Forschungsschwerpunkt des österreichischen Wissenschaftsministeriums. S. 120-21.

Arve Brunvoll

Moral in der eritreischen Gesellschaft. Ein eritreisch-norwegisches Forschungsprojekt. S. 122-23.

Ursula Baatz

Nicht ohne Ökologie. Zur Tagung "Spiritualität und Ökologie". S. 124.

Ursula Baatz

Ein Mensch - mehrere Konfessionen? Tagung in Brüssel, November 1999. S. 125.

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