Sommer 2022
Lara Hofner: Editorial
Marx interkulturell
herausgegeben von
Bianca Boteva-Richter und Ľubomír Dunaj
Bianca Boteva-richter & Ľubomír Dunaj
Sklaverei, Arbeit und Geschichte:
DuBois’ Schwarzer Marxismus
This essay reads W.E.B. DuBois’s 1935 masterpiece, Black Reconstruction, as a creative exemplar of the Marxist tradition. DuBois’s work radically transforms that tradition from within by placing slavery squarely at the center of the story of capitalism’s emergence. In so doing, DuBois offers a productive model for disentangling the critique of capitalism from Marx’s theory of history, with its residual Eurocentrism and progressivism. The key to this transformation is DuBois’ characterization of the slave as the black worker. Brilliant though this move may be, it also has its limits, which I probe by exploring the dis-analogies between the status of the slave and that of the worker. On this point, I contend, DuBois’s Marxism remains, in the end, a bit too orthodox. However, his work also contains the seeds of a more promising framework for theorizing racial capitalism, one that insists that racism cannot be entirely subsumed within capitalism, even if we must think through their complex intersections and interconnections.
Marxismus und Christentum im Dialog
This article provides a conceptual road-map to the dialogue between Marxism and Christianity, which took place back in the 1950s and 1960s in Czechoslovakia. It focuses on the debates on atheism and theism. First, however, it discusses Marx’s thesis about religion as the opium of the people that casted a strong influence (not solely) among East Central European Marxists. Second, it sketches the way in which these approached Christianity in 1950s, showing that at that time no dialogue, but rather a one-sided confrontation was going on. Third, it assumes that situation changed during the late 1950s and early 1960s, when Marxist sociology and psychology of religion emerged. Forth, it examines ideas coming from the informal Christian movement »New Orientation«, which developed the project of civil interpretation of the Bible. Fifth, it examines the Christian model of social critique elaborated within Hussitism. Finally, it deals with the issue of atheism and theism.
Grunderfahrung, Anthropologie und Ideologie:
Miki Kiyoshis marxistische Anthropologie und der Marxismus im Japan der 1930er Jahre
The philosophical anthropology of Miki Kiyoshi (1897–1945) was controversial among Marxist intellectuals in Japan when his few explicitly Marxian works were published in the late 1920s. Followers of Soviet orthodoxy rejected his »Marxian anthropology« as heretical, while his novel interpretation of Marx attracted others. By 1930, while in prison, he was publicly condemned as a »petit bourgeois social democratic fellow-traveller« by his former colleagues and apparently distanced himself from Marxism in public. This article discusses the core ideas of Miki’s 1928 Historical Materialism and Modern Consciousness in the context of the dominant, political economy-centred Marxist currents of the time, its reception and place in the development of Miki’s thought. Miki’s »Marxian anthropology« based itself on the early Marx to account for the emergence of subjective consciousness and the transformation processes of ideology in dialogue with the Kyoto School and non-Marxist, principally German, philosophy. Rather than contributing to an orthodox Marxist social science that claimed to have overcome philosophy, the orientation was towards philosophy and its reorientation towards Marx and social and political theory in general.
Der junge Marx im Licht einer afrikanischen Ethik
Zwei Ansichten der Selbstverwirklichung
Die normativen Standpunkte von Karl Marx werden üblicherweise mit moralisch-politischen Theorien wie dem Utilitarismus und der Rawls’schen Gerechtigkeit verglichen. Sie wurden bisher nicht systematisch typischen und insbesondere kommunalen afrikanischen Werten gegenübergestellt. Stattdessen waren es afrikanische Führer wie Nyerere oder Nkrumah, die nach der Unabhängigkeit die Gemeinsamkeiten betonten. In diesem Artikel, einem Beitrag aus der analytischen Philosophie, skizziere ich das Wesentliche von Marx’ Ansatz zum guten Leben, insbesondere aus seinen frühen Schriften zur Entfremdung aus den Jahren 1843–1845, und wäge sie gegen eine theoretische Interpretation der wenig erforschten afrikanischen moralisch-politischen Tradition ab. Nach der letztgenannten Perspektive zeichnet sich eine Person durch höchste Vortrefflichkeit aus, insofern sie gemeinschaftliche Beziehungen schätzt, die darin bestehen, eine Lebensweise zu teilen und sich um die Lebensqualität der anderen zu kümmern. Mein Ziel ist es, die wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen diesem Afro-Kommunalismus und den Ansichten des jungen Marx herauszuarbeiten und dort, wo sie voneinander abweichen, einige Gründe für die Bevorzugung des einen Ansatzes gegenüber dem anderen zu nennen. Ich komme zu dem Schluss, dass, soweit sich die beiden Ethiken unterscheiden, das afrikanische Ideal der bessere Kandidat ist um Moral oder zumindest die Menschenrechte zu erfassen, während das Marx’sche Ideal vorzuziehen und für ein breites zeitgenössisches Publikum sogar überzeugender ist, wenn es um eine umfassendere Vorstellung vom guten Leben geht.
Kwasi Wiredu (1931–2022) – Ein Nachruf
Die Revolution, die Transformation und die Rolle des Subjekts
Kritische Betrachtungen zu François Julliens Buch Die stillen Wandlungen
In order to understand today’s social and political situation in East-Central Europe, one should examine in particular the consequences of post-socialist transformation. The negative and often very painful effects of the social changes that affected Central and Eastern Europe in the last three decades have not been overcome until today. This makes it all the more important to be better »prepared« philosophically for future social changes. François Jullien offers several suggestions for this. In the first part of my paper, taking Jullien’s The Silent Transformations as a point of departure, I show that many of the problems that exist in East-Central Europe to this day result in large part from placing too much emphasis on the event of the revolution and too little on the transformation that occurred before its eyes. In the second and third parts, I indicate, pace Jullien, a way towards a moderate, »sober«, but nevertheless creative and productive understanding of the active agent by appealing to the work of Hans-Herbert Kögler and Fabian Heubel.
Die Rezeption von Nicolai Hartmann in der türkischen Philosophie
Ideen eines Landes auf der Suche nach sich selbst. Zu: Mădălina Diaconu: Ideengeschichte Rumäniens.
Nr. 47 S. 139-42.
. Nr. 47 S. 143-46.
Nr. 47 S. 146-49.
Nr. 47 S. 149-52.
Nr. 47 S. 152-55.
Das humane Leben zum vollkommenen Dasein – Die Ethik Li Zehous. Zu: Jana Rošker: Becoming Human.
Nr. 47 S. 155-57.
Nr. 47 S. 157-59.